I want to share what content I found most inspirational this week!
Buzzfeed's 17 Incredibly Important Life Lessons We Can Learn From Winona Ryder [and also, I may add, a great collection of Winona Ryder .gifs]
My personal favorite life lessons from this list are "Never be ashamed of who (or what) you love," "Go blonde at least once," (I've done that, and it's great), and "Believe that anything can happen," (only if it's followed up with "when all else fails, laugh).
As I explored the annals of Design*Sponge for a work project, I stumbled upon this piece on tips for keeping sane while working alone, which I often do (work alone, that is). My biggest takeaway from that post is what you see in the intro image above!
Finally, this little piece exposing a little-known tip for success is basically Ira Glass telling us how many years of sucky work he himself created before he finally figured it out (17 years). If you ever feel suffocated by the amount of good-looking people in their early 20s who have seemingly made it, know that the number of them are fewer and farther between than you realize and that their life could get really boring by the time they're 30. Just think of yourself as a wine or cheese - you'll get better with age. As I turn 32 in a few weeks, I'm going to remind myself of this.
A little note on my process for this post:
My email has around a dozen unread emails in it from myself that I sent within the last three weeks. They each contain one url to an article that I want to follow up on or remember. If I open the email to find the link, but I'm still not done, I'll mark it as unread so that I can easily find It's an activity I hope to make a habit of!
What good reads did you find this week?