Saturday, October 22, 2005

My mom

Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 13:33:06 -0400
From: Ann Bayout
To: Angela
Subject: Halloween

Hi Angela, the Halloween story was nice. I had no idea thatyou got teased about things. I enjoyed doing them like Mammy and my brothersand sister did. Can you remember all the outfits? I tried to. Do youremember this from last year?--- What happened to the ghost when he got tooclose to the bonfire? He burnt his halloweenie. Ha Ha, Love mommy

^^^ My favorite email of the moment.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Brains are gray, as a matter of fact

I wish that I had a cat in my dorm room that when I was gone all day, and my roommate was gone all day, would pad around and eat bugs, jump on my computer and type kitty nonsense, and play with the fuzz balls from my slippers. Imaginary kitty would curl up in a gray ball matching the gray yarn by my bed and sleep all day looking peaceful and cozy with the little slits of his tightly closed eyes.

HEY, it's October the first.