Independent Work
Essay, "Dear Karen O" Love Letters to Rock 'n' Roll (2016, online)
Narrative on one of my favorite musicians/bands.
Essay, "X-Files: Truth Is Stranger than Science Fiction" Supernatural Studies
(2015, print)
Exploring how elements of the supernatural are used to tell a point of view in The X-Files.
Poetry, four poems, Word for Word: Issue 23 (2014, online)
All four poems that I submitted were accepted.
Nonfiction, "Sockdolager" Meat for Tea: The Valley Review Issue7 Vol. 3 (September 2013, print)
This short nonfiction piece was written for the journal's "Bone" themed issue.
Essay, "Audrey in Five Outfits", Fan Phenomena: Twin Peaks (August 2013, print)
Examining character and costume in David Lynch's popular early 90s TV drama.
Fiction, "Yes, Dear" NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge (2013, online)
This short story made the round one's top five in my assigned heat.
Poem, "The Great Wave", Dark Matter Journal (2012, online)
A poem inspired by Richard Lloyd Perry's People Who Eat Darkness.
Fiction, "A Documentation", Navigating the Heavens (2012, online)
A short narrative on paranormal phenomena.
Editor, Dionne’s Story (2009, print)
In 2009, I established an ongoing anthology of creative writing inspired by prevention of violence against women.
Poem, "Hot Metal Bridge" Madwomen in the Attic: Volume XIV (2009, print)
As a member of the Madwomen in the Attic workshop, associated with Carlow Univeristy, I was invited to contribute a poem that was produced as part of their annual anthology.
Poem, "On Mango Iced Tea" The Pittsburgh Post- Gazette (2007, print and online)
Pittsburgh's major newspaper recognizes local poets.
Poem, "I've Become Citified" Pittsburgh City Paper (2006, print)
Pittsburgh's most popular free newspaper includes a periodical poetry section.
Assisting Editor, The Critical Point (2005, print)
I first learned anthology editing and organizing skills in this student-run, college literary and art journal.
Professional Work
2006: BA, Carlow University
Major, Creative Writing
Minor, English
Essay, "Dear Karen O" Love Letters to Rock 'n' Roll (2016, online)
Narrative on one of my favorite musicians/bands.
Essay, "X-Files: Truth Is Stranger than Science Fiction" Supernatural Studies
(2015, print)
Exploring how elements of the supernatural are used to tell a point of view in The X-Files.
Poetry, four poems, Word for Word: Issue 23 (2014, online)
All four poems that I submitted were accepted.
Nonfiction, "Sockdolager" Meat for Tea: The Valley Review Issue7 Vol. 3 (September 2013, print)
This short nonfiction piece was written for the journal's "Bone" themed issue.
Essay, "Audrey in Five Outfits", Fan Phenomena: Twin Peaks (August 2013, print)
Examining character and costume in David Lynch's popular early 90s TV drama.
Fiction, "Yes, Dear" NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge (2013, online)
This short story made the round one's top five in my assigned heat.
Poem, "The Great Wave", Dark Matter Journal (2012, online)
A poem inspired by Richard Lloyd Perry's People Who Eat Darkness.
Fiction, "A Documentation", Navigating the Heavens (2012, online)
A short narrative on paranormal phenomena.
Editor, Dionne’s Story (2009, print)
In 2009, I established an ongoing anthology of creative writing inspired by prevention of violence against women.
Poem, "Hot Metal Bridge" Madwomen in the Attic: Volume XIV (2009, print)
As a member of the Madwomen in the Attic workshop, associated with Carlow Univeristy, I was invited to contribute a poem that was produced as part of their annual anthology.
Poem, "On Mango Iced Tea" The Pittsburgh Post- Gazette (2007, print and online)
Pittsburgh's major newspaper recognizes local poets.
Poem, "I've Become Citified" Pittsburgh City Paper (2006, print)
Pittsburgh's most popular free newspaper includes a periodical poetry section.
Assisting Editor, The Critical Point (2005, print)
I first learned anthology editing and organizing skills in this student-run, college literary and art journal.
Professional Work
I specialize in multi-channel copy for fashion retail brands with a story to tell.
2006: BA, Carlow University
Major, Creative Writing
Minor, English