Monday, May 24, 2004

eh-- As if it matters, here it is kids. I am typing an entry in the blog. Blog Blog Blog Bloggy Blog. Bloggity Bloggity Blog. Napalm and cornerstone.
And and if I can get any more random-

I've found that the stacks (the area where the books are shelved at the library, Carnegie Library, Oakland, yah)

-they smell like toasted marshmallows. And I walk through the aisles and while I am working and go, Ahh! Marshmallows, toasting. Lovely.

So, yesterday, on my break I grabbed a Hershey bar and took it home with me. As Dana napped, I made S'mores, since I have an abundance of marshmallows. They were delicious, to say the least. Even the gob of chocolate that accidently gobbed on the carpet was delicious. Hmmm- Anyhow, I wasn't in the girlscouts for nothing. Oh geez.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WEll well well, angela. You've gotten to this point-posting comments TO YOURSELF.
Good going girlfiend