This is a showcase showdown of my month of March-
1. 4th-11th, Spring break, home probably, sleeping in and eating good food.
2. 12th, coming back to Oakland early so Stacy and I can be two college girls getting wasted downtown, in the middle of the night, wearing mini-skirts and tude tops, and carrying absolutly no tool of defense- which actually just means I took off work that day so we can go to the St. Pat's Day Parade and JEER CARLOW, THOSE IRISH CATHOLIC BASTARDS...which really means, we're just going to have a fun day.
3. 19th, I took off work this day as well because I have "Things for school." I am a big, fat liar. I am going shopping this day with Molly and Megan, shopping for our Vancouver trip. By shopping I mean, we're going to vintage clothing stores and thrift shops to get outfits for all the parties going on at the conference in Vancouver. There are parties every night, Molly, Crystal (Meg and I are rooming with them in Van), and Dr. D tell me, and the girls and I are planning to have an awesome time at said parties. We plan to have at least one famous, (and as far as I am concerned) good (and handsome) writer buy us a drink. I may go faux Angela spiffy-sophisticated and ask for lots of Cosmopolitans, *though, I would like to just be myself and buy myself four Yeunglings a night. ...
4. 24th-28th, Easter break, meaning no school and meaning home, probably. Sleep, food, TV, pets, card games, borrowing the car for a spin, going to Best Buy with the dad.
5. 29th-April 2nd, while Monday the 28th is the day I am supposed to come back to school, I am not. I am staying home because the next day, around 5 AM I have to be at the airport to catch a plane to Vancouver, Canada! Schwing- AWP Conference. This will be mighty fun. Molly and I are going to discuss the trip in detail this Wednesday, as we dress up and go to Kelly's for drink. Oh, how sophisticated that sounds. I think I am more excited to have an excuse to get dressed up and go out, especially with a new, fun, friend. We both share a (vain?) liking for personal fashion, and often compliment each other on our choice of dress. There's nothing wrong with enjoying the way you look when you catch yourself in the reflection of shop windows and bar mirrors if it makes you feel pretty, and being happy is a result of that. I think more people should take the time (really, only like a half hour) to not just throw on any clothes, not just throw your dirty hair in a pony tail and not wear green eyeshadow. I think some people would not be so tired and glum if they pepped themselves up a bit. Put on a pair of slacks and a tie on a Wednesday, people!
So, March will go fairly quickly, while usually it seems to drag on with its blassblass weather and 31 days of the same flavor. Flavour, flava. Flava-Flave. After March, April will fly by, May will end school, and I will be a senior in college, and then the world will explode.
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