Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Haunted Halls of Aquinas

Below are some pictures I took last week of Aquinas Hall, the small, red brick building I have had 90% of my classes in throughout college. For my Creative Non-Fiction class, I wrote a piece on it. Once it is revised and final, it will go in the Carlow Archives, and maybe posted here if I feel ambitious. The essay ended up taking on a cynical and ominous tone toward Aquinas, with Almighty God, Nietzsche, and spiders and cochroaches battling it out in the dungeon. I'm pretty proud of it, it turned out better than I thought. Maybe, though, that's just because I finished it about an hour ago, 1:30 AM, and I still have not gone the hell to sleep yet...Enjoy the sunsets on the Grotto and the detestable, green slime.


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