Monday, May 09, 2005


My mom asked me, "Well how are they?" I said "I have to make them first! I have to get little dinosaur molds and candy recipes and a warehouse and a patent and someday Dinosours will be a reality."

We were watching a show on the Food Network about this candy shaped like Scottish Terriers and I said that once I had a great idea to make a candy shaped like dinosaurs, thus the above conversation. I got the clever idea when I was typing "dinosaurs" but I accidently replaced an O with the A. Dinosours! Later in class I drew a prototype on the board and explained it to the class. They will be dinosaur shaped hard candies with sour fruity flavors. There will be T-Rexes, Triceratops, and Teradactyles. Maybe even a line of prehistoric mammalia.

This is awesome! Who's in?

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