So, my betta, Andrew, died. I left the window open a little when I left my dorm Sunday, and I came back Thursday to find the poor thing frozen! When I came in the room of course the first thing I do is see if the fish are fine, and I tapped in the tank where Andrew was "resting," but he didn't respond. :(
I was going to get into all the nice memories I have of that fish, but, well I actually just don't feel like it. I have them in my heart! Ha. Oh shit, he's just a little fish.
Though, the last time I cleaned his tank, I remember this: In my Ethics class, we were talking about the differences between humans and animals. In my strings of thoughts as I was cleaning the tank and thinking about the class, I realized how I make this little contained world for a little fish and how big my world is compared to his. How out of all the things that I do; have a job, read about time warps, write poems, and then I take care of this little insignificant fishy.
He wasn't that insigificant though. He was smart and had personality, for a fish. I took good care of him (until I let him freeze to death, Jesus Christ). When I brought him home, in the pouring rain, from the store he looked like he was going to die of malnourishment and lonliness. Oh, and when I was in the store buying him and his tank, I remember talking to him in the buggy, saying that we were going to be friends.
And when you put your finger up to the tank, or when you put your finger in his water, he would flare at it.
There was the time I put my tiger barb in the tank with him and Andrew beat his ass.
And he always knew it was time to eat when I would take his food container and shake it over the tank, and he would come swimming out from his cuppy and chomp, chomp.
His bubble nests!
He got really healthy and big. I was looking at bettas at the store the other day, before I came back and found him, and I saw how bad these bettas looked. I thought, My fish is so healthy and happy! Meanwhile, the poor thing is suffering and because of me.
It's ironic, that of all people it's me that killed him anyway. I guess I was like God to him...
There's more, like the time he jumped out of my hand while I was cleaning his tank and I freaked out. Or, the time I left him at my parents' house for a week while I was still at schoo, and he apparently was really depressed until I finally came home and he saw me. And then I left the window open. I'm so sorry!!!
So, he has a nice "coffin" to swim around in now. I miss him already.
See you later, Andrew!
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