Monday, December 20, 2004

MC Hawking

MC Hawking made an album. He made 3 of them. Now you can buy the "Hawkman's" Greatest Hits on, here.

I am very excited about this. This is the stupidest thing I have come across in a long time.

Meanwhile, you can email the real "Hawkman," Stephen Hawking that is, at

I don't know what anyone would say, since his official website gives explicit intructions on what not to email the man. Anyway, it may be fun. He just might email you back!


Anonymous said...

What does it say we shouldn't e-mail him about?


Angela said...

Well, it says that you should not emial Prof. Hawking about things like the wormhole opening in my parent's living room, next to the computer, the one you pointed out. You know, things like that. You should email him your Christmas list...