I just got done wrapping presents and putting them under the tree. Yippee. I had on Morrison Hotel, and since my door was open, Dana across the hall listened in too. While she tolerates the Manzarek organs on most songs, I hate it. I always say that it could be replaced by a really good guitar solo. But, on "Blue Sunday" and "Indian Summer" we both agree that those songs would be ruined by the stupid organ. Speaking of which, I remember one of the first times Natalie and I hung out, we had a discussion about The Doors and I talked about the very subject of the organ and how it sucks. We joked that Manzarek could only play that one intstrament and he really, really, really wanted to be cool. So, he begged Jim to let him in the band. Only, Jim was reluctant because Ray is a loser with his one instrament and would scare off all the girls...BUT, we all know that's not true.
Anyway, presents, Christmas, tree, under it. I wrapped everyone's presents. Well, not quite everyone's yet, Nat and I have yet to go to Target on Monday. But, so far I have wrapped the Milano Cookies and Beef Jerky for Stacy. I wrapped the giant Hershey Kiss for Megan, and I wrapped the homemade picture frame and boxers for Natalie. It was exciting to put the wrapped presents under the tree, even though our tree is 2 feet tall and on top of the microwave. It's nice though. We have homemade ornaments decorating it. There's the ones I made over the years: the paper crane one, the Heineken lable one, the glittering snowflake. There's the Cartman one Heather made, a snowman that Kathryn made...I can't think of what else. Then, there are the ones Nat made for us this year, a picture of a big, burly pirate looking guy for Stacy and a hot picture of the lovely Karen O for me. We have a lovely tree.
So, later today my friends and I in the dorms are going to have a little party and exchange presents. It shall be good times, good times.
My last day of classes for the semester was today too. Noon, I was done. Phew, this semester sucked. I did well, but it was tough. I don't know why exactly. I'm just glad it is over. That does mean only 3 more semesters of my college life left. It's going fast. Before I know it, I will be 88 years old wearing broaches on my cardigans. I bet I will still have brown hair though. Which reminds me, I was going to dye my hair before I leave for home next week. If I do it here, I don't have to worry about my mom blassblassing about hair dye in the sink in the shower in the hair...I don't know if I want to go with the dark auburn I've been using or a dark brown, like dark chocolate. Dark chocolate sounds tastier. Yum, hairdye.
So, today was a good day. Tell me about yours...
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