Professor Stevo and his young student, Ms. A. Jones, departed on a wondrous journey through...The Brave New World, in keeping with the theme of this blogger. IT was a -daunting- task for sake of an adjective, but one quite anomalous.
Aborting the former study, the ESP of carpenter ants under the influence of Tropicana Pulp Free orange juice in 50 degree weather at 5 am-okay this is just getting silly-the two scholars decided to go out for some pizza. Here, at a stereotype Italian pizza shoppe on the Lower East Side, they found the mysteries of the universe, have been SOLVED.
Solved, yes, solved I say, in a simple story. So simple, it will be detrimental to those seekers of knowledge who read astrophysics books in between English classes and during their lunch breaks. It would add a capital "A" to all the capital "Q's" that ever were, and therefore, completion. And completion, why, what would be the point then?
Professor Stevo was devastated, "What have I to do now?" he exclaimed, even his normal flat computer voice was full of sorrow.
Ms. Jones attempted to comfort him amongst her own distress. Nearly 6 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans were meaningless, and a hunger for pizza brought her to her own demise. "But, there is nothing for me anymore, what do I do Professor? You have so much more than me, you have a family, respect and valor, a cool talking wheelchair. Me, I have a cramped third floor room in South Oakland, an 18th century etiquette book, and past due rent."
And then, from behind the pizza counter, "You have an 18th century etiquette book?"
"Why yes, I do?"
"With a red cover and gold trim?"
"Uhh, I think, yeah sure I do."
"Eureka! I have completed all my searching! I have found the piece to end my lifelong search!"
And Ms. Jones hoped that she was right about the book.
Going home to her apartment, while being hounded by the landlord, she found the book, only with great disappointment. It was in fact blue with silver trim. Was that guy at the pizza shoppe going to be pissed! And, Ms. Jones knew he would be disappointed, that his life was not complete. He seemed so happy, how could she fail him? Going to her landlord, who was also a warlock, she pleaded he conjure the book into a red, gold trim that the man wanted and promised to pay the rent as soon as she could get the guy to pay her for the book. This was a deal, and soon enough she had brought the book to the man, who nervously discussed a payment.
"Well, you see, I have no money," he said. An argument ensued, but Ms. Jones was no good at arguing with hard ass Lower East Side pizza shoppe Italians. So , she just him have it, right in the nose, a swift right hook. Then, she took the book, now full of magic, and hopped a train to Arles, France. Yes, I said train.
There, the book found itself in a tourist shoppe, Ms. Jones found herself awaiting her warlock landlord in Cafe Van Gogh sipping cafe creme, and sure enough Professor Stevo was in England with his family and fellow scholars who respect him, looking for his lost marbles. That's one thing that he never did, was find his marbles that he lost when he started his studies.
Therefore, the pizza man never got his book, the landlord never got his rent, Ms. O never had enough cafe creme and constantly was jumping at every landlord that crossed her path and could never figure out how she hopped a train to France, and dear old Professor Stevo never found his marbles. No one was ever complete.
Nevermind the truth about the universe, we've never found our marbles.