Tuesday, March 16, 2004

It's 2 pm, do you know where your _______ is?

I will fill in the blank, but only during the weekdays, that's only when it fits. How do you spell that? You can't spell it. Sometimes words just fail when a simple primal sound can suffice, and does it suffice. It's the afternoon and it's a Tuesday, for the next 45 minutes or so, I will be rather quiet, unless I have absolutely no shame at all, and I have a little, but it's justified. I don't want to offend anyone. But if no one would be offended, I would let her go. hehe


"Future Legend." I remember Christmas day, my dad and I played Diamond Dogs on my new record player, it was the second thing we played after part of The Beatles, 1967-1970. My dad was half remembering half forgetting Bowie's speech "...as the last few corpses lay rotting on the slimey thorough fare...red mutant eyes gazed high on hunger city...fleas the size of rats...and 10,000 peoploids..." That was fun. I called home today, and my dad was sick! :( Hope you feel better soon! :)

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