Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Whoa Nat, that's crazy. Tara Reid? [This will be an entry all entirely in inside jokes between me and Slick Biddy N, since, we probably are the only people who read each others'' bloooooooogs.]

Wool, OO doon't Knoo woot tooo toolk aboot. Figures. Inside jokes, inside jokes? Can't think of any, except that Drew is probably all alone at sivisx right about now wishing we would come in to buy things we don't need and blank tapes to make him a mix. Meanwhile, fucking what's his name, uhh, oH, Deeevo the Blasphemous, is eyeing us up for sodomy. I hope you're the only one that reads this! pfft. ooooo sodomy. SODOMY

Natalie, I know you're laughing. So go get your duck and schlob it. It will last for months, you know.

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