Saturday, November 20, 2004


Why do people look like they are seeing a movie star / animal at the zoo?

In the meantime, it's a rather quiet day at work so far. Outside, the sun is missing and the air is cool and wet and the leaves are so beautiful. Their colors are hightened by the heavy dew, though I guess it wouldn't really be called dew, since it's all from the rain yesterday. Whatever, it's pretty. What a minute, the sun isn't missing. I apologize, that sounded totally lame. It's there, just covered up by the clouds. It's like me in my bed this morning, only I eventually got up. I should have just stayed. But, I got up, for work, oh shit, and no one go the newspapers, and I can't because I am the only one at the desk. I will just have to wait to do anything about it until somebody asks me where the Saturday papers are, and I say, the delivery man is in the trunk of my car. And they say, "Angela, you don't have a car." Right, right, I say, I mean he's in the trunk of his car, which I will be drving home from work this evening.

I have "Your Blue Room" stuck in my head. It makes me feel a little creepy.

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